What Would You Do Differently If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?


I recently stumbled upon this question in some of my reading. I liked the challenge the question posed and actually put the book down and gave it some thought.

What WOULD I do, if knew failure wasn’t an option?

I’ll not bore the reader with the list of endeavors I came up with, suffice it to say, there were a lot of things that I’ve not undertaken. I then explored my reasoning:

“I don’t have the education. There are lots of well-educated people struggling in the field, I’d never have a chance.”

“I’m too old. It would take a lifetime to accomplish something like that.”

“The chances of success are so slim, why sacrifice what I have for something unattainable?”

“I just don’t have the talent. There are others who are so much more capable than I.”

“I don’t have the right personality. I’d never make it in that industry.”

You get the gist.

There has been a lot written about the power of thought and how one can manifest their dreams. While there are many interpretations of this phenomenon, they all share one general premise: whatever you tell yourself at the deepest level becomes your reality.

Known as the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the universe works solely on the principle of success. Basically, the universe hears whatever it is you tell yourself and makes it so. Sounds easy, but the problem is what we’re telling ourselves. As with the examples cited above, if I’m continually telling myself that I’m too old to start a new career, well then, the universe makes it so. If I tell myself that I’m incapable of accomplishing a goal, well then again, the universe makes it so. So in effect, the universe is continually succeeding at making whatever you tell yourself a reality. You are basically succeeding at failing.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” ~ Buddha

Succeeding at Failing

So now you can see how with this universal law, failure isn’t an option. You succeed in becoming everything you tell yourself. The trick becomes learning to recognize what it is you’re really telling yourself (at the deepest level) and changing that thinking.

So now, think about the things in your life that are working. Now think about the things in your life that aren’t. What are you telling yourself about both of these things? Do you see how you are actually succeeding at both?

If you appear to be failing at some endeavor, can you understand the need to look at it from a different perspective? Don’t view it as a failure because it isn’t. You just need to change your thinking about it. You can now use this universal law consciously, knowing you have complete control over your reality.

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford

Manifest the Life You Want

So again, think about what you would do differently if you knew you couldn’t fail remembering that you are hardwired to succeed. The universe is listening and the answer is always Yes! Failure is not an option.